
Las Vegas URC worship services underway, now at 6:00pm


If you live in the Las Vegas area, please come join us at Las Vegas United Reformed Church for Sunday evening worship on the campus of the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV).

Services will be now be held at 6:00 PM. Please note: we will not be holding worship services on January 4 or January 11. Visit the Las Vegas United Reformed Church website for details on meeting locations and our worship service schedule.

3 comments so far

  1. We will certainly be praying for you all as the gospel does its work in Las Vegas. May Christ be praised!

  2. Hi…we just moved to Las Vegas from New York and were memebers of the RPCNA….where we sing only the psalms only with the sounds from our hearts in worship……no musical instruments. We now attend a PCA church here in Las Vegas….Spring Meadows… is reformed in its doctrine, however, the electric guitars and drums are just too much…..and the man-made songs are not what we want to sing…so, please let us know what your worship is like. We may attend to see you are all about….

    Thank you
    Steve and Carolyn Williams

  3. Hi again,

    I do have another question about your worship. You claim to adhere to the Regulative Principles of worship….but my question is: Do you sing man-made songs or only the psalms? So, it must be how you view these principles, because you use an organ also, correct? We are from the RPCNA and sing only the psalms with no muscial instructments.

    Thanks again
    Carolyn and Steve Williams

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