Sinners & Saints

Calvary Chapel Remix | part 2


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Part two of three in a series evaluating the Chuck Smith/Calvary Chapel movement addresses Smith’s self-understanding as an authority like unto Old Testament Moses. Also, the Calvary Chapel “Statement of Faith” is analyzed.

2 comments so far

  1. You guys rock! I was raised in charismatic churches and to hear you articulate the problems with the Calvary Chapel Movement reminds me of everything I knew about christianity growing up. I am now by the sheer grace and mercy of God a covenant theology, “seven point” Calvanist Reformed Believer. I loved what you said about how people in this movement ascend to ministry positions. Many lack formal theological training, and because they may know their bible better than the average christian they are assumed to be teachers anointed by God. I should know because I was one of those people. My problem was I kept pursuing answers to questions that nobody around me was asking. When I discovered Covenant Theology my Dispensational glasses fell off and I could see thing much clearer. I feel for the misguided christians that are caught up in these churches. Many of them honestly and truely have no conception of anything outside of this. Many do not even know what the reformation was, let alone what it was about. Keep up the great work!

  2. What is a seven point Calvinist?

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