Sinners & Saints

Papa Chuck and Baby Chuck


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In an unexpected, un-planned Calvary Chapel series post-mortem, we take our cue from a recent Los Angeles Times article about Chuck Smith, Sr. and his son, Chuck Smith, Jr. The article solidified earlier critiques of the Chuck Smith/Calvary Chapel movement as market-driven and more concerned about reflecting happy cultural moods than the biblical faith.

2 comments so far

  1. Calvary Chapel “market driven.” Some cue you choose to take. I’ve attended Calvary Chapel for 14 years and the messages have always come from books of the Bible verse by verse. Some of them are hard to hear, but they are not skipped no matter how unpopular that might make the message. Most of us appreciate that. Maybe you took your cue from the Chuck Smith Junior portion of the article.

    [from the editor: thanks for posting. . .we’d encourage you to check out the “Calvary Chapel Remix” series a little bit further back in the archives]

  2. I will admit that on many subjects they do go through the bible, but I have never heard George Bryson, Skip, Greg Laurie, Broderson, or Chuck really teach through Romans without skipping many many verses and almost entire chapters.

    Although they seem to be able to explain everything in revelations that calls to people to “Make a decision” now, or in other words to consider joining calvarys weekly tithes.

    Consider the fact that the context in Revelations is more open to debate then Romans, still they skip through Romans, why ?

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