Sinners & Saints

The Tattoo Redo


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Have you been pierced or inked? Are you artistic or are you simply defacing your body? Does God have anything to say about it? Lots of questions with some at least mildly interesting debate about the answers on this recut of a show on body piercing and tattoos.

3 comments so far

  1. Interesting discussion, gentlemen. I appreciate learning new things on this show, such as some of the history behind tattoos. I wonder if one might offer a “pragmatic argument” (which probably fits better under Rev. Sawtelle’s expediency argument). That is, one might ask the tattoo enthusiast if there’s any chance in the distant future that he might change his mind about his appearance. And does he think his chances of getting the job he’d like to support the lifestyle he wants are enhanced by showing up for a job interview with body piercings and tattoos creeping up into his face.

  2. With regards to the expediency argument wouldn’t that be an issue of Christian Liberty? I.e. If Christ alone is Lord of the conscience, and if his word has not explicitly stated tattooing/piercing is forbidden, then wouldn’t it be permissible? A preacher could preach against disobedience to authority and how tattooing could be an expression of that, but he couldn’t come right out and say that getting a tattoo is being disobedient etc… right? But conversely if someone was getting a tattoo because in his/her heart they wanted to express an “in your face” attitude then it would be sin? Am I interpretting Westminster Chapter XX correctly?

     [Yes, very well said.  And I am no WCF scholar, but you seem to be applying it to this question faithfully.  Thanks for your comment. –AK]   

  3. This discussion was interesting. I am one that has been against tattoos, and still am ,based on the same biblical verses mentioned. Mine son have 4 tattoos, and he could have them done only because he is allready 21.But recently, I put in mine head to put a tattoo on mine arm.a thorned crown, with a rose, in the middle of the crown,Jesus victory over evil, and a rose, with blood drops falling from the crown like petals.and psalm 18 written .
    This aa a statement as mine faith, because, for years since I changed from Catholic to pentecostal, I have been going through so much opposition. Including,carrying a bible . means that I am wishing evil on mine family.The opposition is so bad, that I allmost backslide, so I want it, to remind me of where I came from.who I am in Christ , mine salavation,where mine strength comes from, and for these people to stop trying to have me , drink alcohol, go out partying, pray to images etc…
    I was doubting, not anymore.I just pray that mine son don’t decide to change his skin colour through that, like adding more tattoos, and or that his friend that is going to do the tattoo, donm’t decide to add to his body, where he don’t have yet.
    But this tattoo, is like a need in me,right now. and I know that in church I will have opposition.Imagine I walk with crutches, and they allways reminding me that God didn’t make me with crutches, it seems to be a sin.
    Now, I want to know about lottery, I don’t buy lottery, cause I saw how mine grandpa, wasted his money,and now because the church say so,but happen so that because of mine disability I work, but someone suggested selling lottery to help with mine finacial situation, which will be only a few hours a night, …what do you say about that ?

    P.S……. but happen so that because of mine disability I work
    have to be.
    but happen so that because of mine disability I don’t work

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