Sinners & Saints

Atheism, Richard Dawkins, and “The God Delusion” (part 1 of 8): Blood on Our Hands


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Here we begin an eight-part series discussing this best-selling book by acknowledging that professing Christians are much to blame for the kinds of critiques Dawkins levies against theism. If we forsake orthodoxy, or if we keep it but trivialize it; if we say we believe something that we don’t think is true, or if we suppress our doubts, then Dawkins is right–our faith is deluded.

3 comments so far

  1. Good stuff, guys, but I don’t think we should immediately concede that atheism is merely a “lack of faith.” The atheist takes the non-existence of God on faith alone (sola fide) since, logically, it is a position that can never been affirmatively proven. A negative can never be proven. I always find myself bristling when I hear Christians describe themselves as “people of faith.” No one has greater “blind faith,” or the need of it, than the atheist.

  2. Maybe it will come up later in the series, but what “crazy” interpretations of the Genesis accounts would Rev. Sawtelle be referring to as another form of “dangerous anti-intellectualism?”

  3. A lot of good points were made in the talks I listened to, and all in all I found this response to the God Delusion very helpful. However, by the time I’d listened to three or four shows, the tone of the speakers was starting to get on my nerves. At times I thought their responses were overly harsh or insensitive, and their mocking laughter was often inappropriate. Far better to seek a humble, loving tone than a spiteful one. I am in complete favour of separating true Christianity from warped and revolting things that are said or done in the name of Christ. However, I was disappointed that in an attempt to do just this, the hosts managed to laugh at evil done (I can’t remember which episodes in particular but I think it happened more than once) in Christ’s name rather than mourn over it. . .

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