Sinners & Saints

Atheism, Richard Dawkins, and “The God Delusion” (part 3 of 8): Coming up Empty


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The title of Dawkins’ sixth chapter, “The Roots of Morality: Why Are We Good?,” betrays his inability as an atheist to account for the absolute standards of morality which he so readily embraces and applies throughout the book and his own life. His speculations about humanity’s moral consensus are merely descriptive, and when he finally (though half-heartedly) acknowledges this problem, the chapter ends with but a whimper.

2 comments so far

  1. Oh come on… People trying to be smart like these nut cases trying to put down a book with clear evidence on our existence and replacing it with crediting a god for the things they can’t explain, is so mind numbing. Grow some intelligence in those brains EVOLUTION gave you and come to the realization that there probably is no such thing as God.

    And what is your evidence of morality? God? Please.. that’s just way to easy and really, quite honestly very stupid and lazy.

    There is almost most certainly NO God. Christians need to wake up and realize that our minds are not controlled by some higher entity. Not even close.

    Richard Dawkins is clearly of higher intelligence than these numb nuts. They can’t even comprehend his logic because they contain no logic on the subject. God is by no means logical.

  2. Does this poor soul realize he’s attacking his Creator? The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” When Judgement Day comes, you’ll be cowering like a mouse and it’ll be too late. Stop
    attacking God’s servants because you’re attacking God in the process. Jesus asked Saul why Saul was persecuting Him, not why he was persecuting the Christians. Look out, fool! The one
    you’re attacking is much bigger than you!

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