The foundation of our beloved confession is that the Scripture is the very Word of God written. In fact, the foundation laid in article three is the basis for all of what the confession says about the Word in the following articles.
Belgic Confession Article 3
2 Timothy 3:14-17
1 comment so far
Feb 8, 2007Marvin Boven #
Is it possible to download the written/text sermons for use by our elders for reading purposes in our URC Church in Sheffield, Ontario Canada when our minster is out of town?
[We do not provide written sermon manuscripts on the website, though I am sure the individual pastors would be willing to send them along to you if they had a manuscript on file. If you are looking for a manuscript of a particular sermon, please email us at, and we will let you know if it is available. Thanks! Hope we can help.] Â