
Belgic Confession, Article 7 | No creed but the Bible?


Running time: 31:56

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Some churches argue that the only creed or confession a church needs is the Bible, hence the slogan, “no creed but the Bible!” But that slogan is actually a creed. A church cannot deny the necessity of having creeds and confessions. In this sermon we will argue for the necessity and utility of creeds and confessions.

Sermon text: Belgic Confession, Article 7

3 comments so far

  1. How do you feel about the Westminster Confession and Catechisms? In what way are they different from the Three Forms of Unity?

  2. Since we are Reformed minister, we are only bound to teach and defend the Three Forms. Given that, our preaching and teaching focuses on these Continental standards. I hesitate to say much on this topic, but I will point out a few things:

    One, there is substantial agreement on many points of doctrine including the authority and inspiration of scripture, theology proper, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and worship.

    Two, it is worth noting that the cultural and political context of the framing of the Westminster Confession and catechisms leads to some very pointed applications which can no longer be subscribed to.

    Third, there are some differences between the Three Forms and the Westminster that are important. For instance, the WCF teaches that assurance of faith is not the essence of faith, but rather is a reflex act of the believer. The Three Forms teach assurance of faith is the essence of faith. This sounds like a minor issue but it has been argued quite persuasively that the Westminster view opened the door for the “second blessing” theology which developed later among some Protestants. Also, the view of the Sabbath propounded by the WCF is not the same as in the Heidelberg. The Continental Reformed theologians and confessions refrain from identifying the first day of the week with the Sabbath. They also are careful not to list a very specific list of “duties” and “dont’s” for proper “sabbath” observance.

    I hope that brief response is of some help.

  3. Thank you. That is helpful.

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