Sinners & Saints

Bad reasons why you are not a Calvinist | part 1


Running time: 37:48

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We present a new series discussing the Calvinism/Arminianism debate by reviewing the new book titled “Why I Am Not A Calvinist.” Today, we alert the discerning reader to some less than helpful analyses and introductions to the topic by the book’s authors.

3 comments so far

  1. Greetings Sinners and Saints,

    Guys, I just listen to “Why I am not a Calvinist.” I really can see both sides. I too see the Arminian side. For [I was] an Arminian at one-time in my life. . . However, by grace and being awakened by the Holy Spirit, I am now a believer in God’s doctrine of grace, known as Tulip.
    After listening to John and Adam, and their reasonable intelligent insights concerning this perplexing Arminian book, “Why I am not a Calvinist” the Arminian writer’s views, concerning the Arminian thoughts of Calvinism is somewhat on target, considering their mindsets and their hearts. When I was an Arminian, I too struggled with some of the same areas, such as the Sovereignty of God and Total Depravity. The more the Holy Spirit reveals the more the Arminian actually struggles within themselves. What else can they fall back on? They have for the most part weak, faulty and twisted doctrinal beliefs and of course the Arminian television preachers can always be your safety net!!!! Actually, I could be mistaken, however, these Arminian writers complemented Calvinism in several ways. Before the discussion ended, I interrupted that the Arminian writers said that people are leaving the prosperity riddled, non-biblical, and self-severing Arminian cliques to attend moral, doctrinal and biblically sound Calvinist (Reformed) churches, which have accountability? So what is their point and where is the fault in leaving and finding the truth?. . .By the reviews of this book, it seems to me that the Arminian writers, more than likely in an unmeaning way promoted Calvinism. Perhaps, they need to be put on the payroll?

    Jesus is Lord


  2. This is the fourth and hopefully final time that I have been back and forth from Calvinism to Arminism. I always come back for the same reason. I put a pocket New Testment and pour myself reading it alone. I spend hours reading the Bible without anything else. I have to either deny what the Bible teaches as the Word of God or be a Calvinst.

    I am tired and it is hard to accept that “there is only one God and it is not me”.

    In Christ,

  3. Larry, therein lies the problem.

    The Bible is not to be interpreted independently. Reading of the bible in a closet has done so much harm to orthodox Christianity in recent times with the advent of foursquare churches, calvary chapels, etc. The Lord has established his church and it is through his church that the people are taught the word of God by properly ordained, trained ministers. I suggest we not be wise unto ourselves but heed the words of Paul in Romans 10 and submit to the preaching of God’s word for it is Christ who has vowed to speak to us through the preaching and not through private bible reading, christian camps, mountain tops, et al. If word-centered, expository preaching is not in the repertoire of your “church” get yourself to a true church that has expository, faithful preaching, proper administration of the sacraments and christian discipline FAST.



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