So John chapter six is about Christ’s unity with the Father. Yes, but that does not set aside His clear statements regarding the way in which the Father and the Son save their elect people. The Father drags His previously unwilling people straight to His Son, Who never loses them.
1 comment so far
Aug 2, 2007Jeff #
Greetings Pastors,
The lesson on Part 4 is on the mark and directly to the point in which a six year-old child could understand it. Jesus tells the reader “By the Fathers will we are drawn to him and he will never let us go”. I don’t think one has to be a theologian to understand this scripture? I think one has to just have some common sense and the ability to read, and comprehend English at perhaps the eighth grade level (the same level in which newspapers articles are written). Jesus tells the reader four times that he will raise us up, so how thick can some people be?
You are absolutely correct on your opening remark concerning the Tele-Sage, which states that one only needs to “Believe” to be saved. I had a somewhat famous Arminian try to convenience me that one must believe and repent before God will save you. To me why not add singing and dancing and other dead-works too? By the way, the sales of this so-called book with esoteric guidance must be flopping, because the prices are dramatically dropping on Ebay. Now it is selling for $7.95, whereas a few weeks ago it was somewhat higher.
Thank you for the truth, May God Bless you all.