Many people choose to focus on only some of God’s attributes such as His power, love and goodness. There is often selfish intent involved in this focus. If people believe that God above all is good then it is a small step to believing that He exists to give them a lot of good stuff. God is good but He is also just and must punish sinners. But to understand God’s justice is to understand the way in which God maintains His justice while justifying sinners. This is the best way to understand God’s goodness.
Sermon Text: Belgic Confession, Article 1
Scripture Lesson: Romans 3:21-31
1 comment so far
Jan 23, 2008Peter Ong #
Today’s “christian” have no idea about God’s holiness and righteousness. Today’s wordly “christian” is more concern with their own well being and success in the world.
I meet so many “christians”who wants and expects the gold of the world to be given to them because they “decided” to believe and choose “Christ”.
It is a different God they worship. The God who has no power over man’s free-will. They are “will – worshippers”
The true God of the bible is Holy, pure and righteous. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
He loves His elect and will execute judgement to the reprobate. The reprobate’s future is eternal hell fire. They may seem to have success in the world but eternity awaits them. For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. (Psa 73:3).
Man is depraved. God is righteous. We all deserve hell. Only free, un-merited Grace saves. God’s choice is based on His on counsel.
The elect receive Grace. The reprobate receives justice.
No one is treated unjustly!