Sinners & Saints

Bad reasons why you are not a Calvinist | part 8: Isn’t God the One Who defines His love?


Running time: 23:06

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Well, folks, this is the swan song to this series and our review of this book. Frankly, we’re tired of reading it. In this final show, we discuss how offensive it is that Arminians are dissatisfied with God’s loving disposition, even to the reprobate.

5 comments so far

  1. Thank God you guys are back.


  2. Great way to end the series guys. Thanks.

  3. Great series. Thanks for the effort in exposing the inconsistencies in the book, and all the false doctrines.

    Just a quick question/statement. Where does scripture say that Jesus wept over Jerusalem? The passage you used does not say that nor does it intimate that. Actually in the entire Chapter of Matt 23 Jesus repeatedly rebukes the scribes and Pharisees, calling them hypocrites. Then He gives His so-called lament to Jerusalem. But there is nothing to indicate that He wept. We are deceived by the heading of the segment(something that never existed in any of the manuscripts)that Jesus wept over Jerusalem, but after repeatedly reading the chapter, it became obvious that Jesus never wept over Jerusalem. Please go back and read the chapter, and help me out here.

    Your comments?

  4. Thank you Abraham, for the kind words, and the comments.

    My statement that Jesus was weeping over Jerusalem while expressing His desire to gather in the little ones is (what I believe to be a fair) amalgamation of Luke 13:34-35 and 19:41-44.

    In both contexts, Jesus identifies their blindness and pronounces their judgment, and in 19 it is -expressly- recorded that He wept over Jerusalem. I do not think it is a stretch, based on His words, to identify His emotion as the same in both places; whether he literally shed a tear in the former case is actually kind of irrelevant.

  5. Thanks, I see it in 19:41-44. I was incorrectly assuming that you were referring to the passage in Matthew. Please accept my my apologies for that. Keep fighting the good fight.

    Your brother in Christ-

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