Sinners & Saints

The Ten Commandments | part 6: the second use


Running time: 9:11

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The second “table” of the Ten Commandments is an objective standard for civil order and righteousness. Its principles are reflected among every people group, even among those who deny that the Ten Commandments are from God. Any society in gross violation of the second table is inevitably a cesspool of immorality.
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1 comment so far

  1. The Sabbath was the final act of creation, not just “the law.” Adam and Eve were invited into its celebration and rest before there was a Jew. Later, it was written in stone by God’s own hand as a “remember.” Is it wrong to teach members to trust God’s word and stone writing rather than teach the cafeteria plan for human consumption? Eve didn’t trust God’s word either. The early church switched the day of God’s choice to Sunday. Jesus and every disciple in the Bible performed and supported all 10. What is good enough for them, is good enough for me even if it seems out of step with humanity. “I didn’t come to change the law but to fulfill it” (show how it is to be kept since humans had perverted it). How can one report in to heaven saying I support your word 90% of the time since I have decided to do my own thing with the other 10%? I love the Reformed faith, except selected to become a Seventh-day Adventist because it logically proved to be “true” to me. I’ll send the pastor a few books your library. My gift towards end-time eye openers 😉

    No, we can’t keep the law on our own, but with the Holy Spirit’s help (the parting gift of Jesus to his followers), we can move towards having lives like Jesus as we allow the Spirit to move us in the right direction 😉 A life like Jesus includes fulfilling all of God’s commandments — what an adventure to allow the Spirit to accomplish in our lives!

    JoAnn Henkel 😉

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