At last, the commandments. God requires in the first commandment not only that He be exclusively acknowledged, but also that we give all of our very selves to Him alone.
Audio Player
Jul 9, 2008
The Ten Commandments | part 9: first commandment
Running time: 10:25
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4 comments so far
Jul 9, 2008Seth McKenzie #
I want to tell you guys to start making more sinner/saints podcasts. One a week is not even close to enough. I have listened to almost every one of them and I have only been aware of the website for about three weeks. Thank you for your passion for the gospel and your guts to tell the truth. Tell Rev. Sawtelle to post a little more often on Clavin on tap.
Jul 11, 2008Rev. John Sawtelle #
Thanks for the good word, we will see what we can do about some more S & S.
As for Calvin on Tap, its got a new article up today and keep your eyes pealed for more in the upcoming days. Be sure to tell your friends and neighbors!
Pastor John
Aug 9, 2008Chris #
I agree. I realize that pastors are extremely busy, and I appreciate that your parishioners, and not a bunch of folks on the internet, are your priority. But you guys produce some of the best podcasts on the net and I’d like to hear more.
Aug 11, 2008Seth McKenzie #
Chris, I second that. More podcasts please.