The Scriptures state that enemies in this life will persecute Christians for their faith. Christians can persevere, however, by understanding that God will judge their enemies, and will grant them rest on the final day.
Old Testament Text: Isaiah 66
2 comments so far
Aug 28, 2008Lesley Krueder #
Pastor Tom,
Hi brother! I have to tell you how wonderfull and educational these sermons have been to me.
In the mid of nite,when I cant sleep (and other times as well) they have been a real blessing.Thank You SO much for your preaching and teaching of God’s written Word. The sermons have delivered so much understanding and peace at this particular time in my life,also very inspiring to try even harder to get myself back to my church family, even though the times have been full of much adversity, after listening to your sermon re: satanic attacks,I thought, those forces want to keep me away from my church,and all the awesome strengh it gives me. Sincerely, Lesley
Sep 1, 2008Tom Morrison #
You’re welcome, Lesley! Thanks for the comments. Tom