True faith is created and sustained by the preaching of the Law and the Gospel.
Old Testament texts: Malachi 2:17-3:5; 4:1-6
Jul 27, 2009
Running time: 31:30
True faith is created and sustained by the preaching of the Law and the Gospel.
Old Testament texts: Malachi 2:17-3:5; 4:1-6
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2 comments so far
Aug 3, 2009Alex Murua #
I was listening to “Law and the gospel” sermon and is not clear to me if we have to keep the Sabbath or not as the other commandments. I always have this problem cause the commandment says keep the seventh day???
Could you please answer this
Many thanks
Aug 3, 2009Rev. John Sawtelle #
Good question, I am glad you brought it up. I cannot answer you based on the sermon you are referring to but I can give you my answer. First, Christians are under a twofold obligation to keep the law; one, because they are image bearers, they are to be subject to their sovereign Creator in everything that He commands, and second, because they are redeemed by the blood of Christ, they are to submit to Him as Lord out of gratitude. Second, because the 4th commandment is a part of God’s law, then yes, Christians must obey the 4th commandment. Third, the real question that remains is, what does the 4th commandment require of Christians under the New Covenant. The Heidelberg Catechism in Q & A 103 gives this explanation of what is binding upon Christians in the 4th commandment: in the first place God wills the ministry of the Gospel and the schools be maintained, and that I, especially on the day of rest, diligently attend church to learn the Word of God, to use the Holy Sacraments, to call publicly upon the name of the Lord, and to give Christians alms. In the second place, that all the days of my life I rest from my evil works, allow the Lord to work in me by His Spirit, and thus begin in this life the everlasting Sabbath. The Catechism basically divides the Christian’s obedience to the 4th commandment into 2 parts: 1) things I must do on the Lord’s Day, and 2) things I must do every day. The first part consists in a 4-fold obligation: 1) attend church to learn the Word of God, 2) use the Holy Sacraments, 3) call publicly upon the Lord, and 4) give Christian alms. The second set of duties requires two things: 1) rest from my sin every day, and 2) allow the Lord to work sanctifying grace in me.
So there you have the Christian obligation with respect to the 4th commandment. That summary of duties is based upon a careful interpretation of the commandment as understood through the lens of apostolic revelation and interpretation of what was at the heart of the meaning of the 4th commandment. In other words, the NT writers, along with the Old Testament prophets saw a typological and ceremonial element to the 4th commandment which was fulfilled and set aside with the finished work of Christ, and a moral obligation that is binding upon all Christians.
If you have further questions you might be interested to listen to my sermon posted on the web site based upon Galatians 4:9-10.
Thanks for dropping by URC learning.
Pastor John