
Heidelberg Catechism for mobile devices now available


If you have a mobile device, you can now use it as a Heidelberg Catechism study aid. Just visit on your device.

If you’re using an iOS device, you can add a bookmark to your home screen for quick access:

  1. Visit the catechism page on your device.
  2. Tap the “Share” button at the bottom of the screen (it looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it).
  3. Tap “Add to Home Screen”.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please leave a comment below.

8 comments so far

  1. What a service! Thank you. And thanks to Redeemer URC in Saskatoon for the link to your wegsite!

  2. Bob,
    Happy to hear that this works for you, and grateful to know about our friends in the Great White North!

    Pastor John

  3. Hi Bob,

    Glad you found our site and glad you found this site. Redeemer Reformation Church is actually in Regina, SK. Roger, who posted the link, lives in Saskatoon. Perhaps we’ll see you someday in Regina.

    Brian Cochran

  4. Thanks for this app! What a resource!


  5. Hey guys, which version of the Catechism are you using for this app? Just checking!

  6. Hey Matthew!

    You know, I’m really sorry about this, but we don’t know! There is no record of where we got it. Perhaps someone could help us?



  7. Hi,

    Really thankful for these resources! I have a question though. There are free recordings of the creeds and confessions that we can listen to and are really helpful for saturation, memorizing, and even familiarizing one’s self to these wonderful creeds and confessions.

    My question though is, since they are free and it seems can be downloaded via website, can they be downloaded to be shared to our church members?

    Thank you in advance for your response.

    Grace and peace,


  8. Hi Chris! Thanks for the question. Yes, you can download! Tom

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