Rev. Adam Kaloostian

83 items

Salt & Light for the Kingdom of Heaven | Matthew 5:1-16

Matthew 2:13-23–Divinely Protected to Bring Glory

Matthew 2:1-12–Rejecting or Receiving Jesus

Acts 2:36-39 | Baptism- Guilt, Grace, and Gratitude

Matthew 1:16-24 | An Unusual, Miraculous Conception and Birth

Matthew 4:1-11 | Adam and Israel Failed, But Christ Prevailed

Matthew 1:1-17 | A Monumental Birth

Psalm 41 | You are blessed if you regard The Weak Man

Psalm 37–Two Paths

Psalm 29 | Not Baal, but the LORD

Psalm 10 | The Arrogance of the Wicked

Psalm 28 | Our Shepherd Forever

Psalm 4 | He Makes Us Dwell in Safety

Psalms 1 & 2 | The Blessed Man in Whom We Take Refuge

Acts 24 | Paul Before Felix

Ready to Die, Ready to Live

This Paul Inspires Us

Death and Life at Troas

Gospel Triumph and Gentile Persecution

Acts 12:1-24 | Another Obstacle Overcome

Acts 9:19-31 | Everything Changed

Acts 8:25-39 | Whom is the prophet talking about?

Acts 8:4-25 | Magician Meets Creator

Acts 7:57 – 8:8 | Great Persecution Breaks Out

Acts 6 and 7 | Suffering and glory

Belgic Confession Article 13 | How to Have Unspeakable Consolation

Acts 5:14-42 | They Kept Right On Preaching Christ

Genesis 1:1-2 | Belgic Confession Article 12 | The Creation

Acts 4:32 – 5:14 | Great Fear Seized the Church

Acts 4:1-31 | Courage, confidence, boldness

Belgic Confession, Article 10 | Jesus, true and eternal God

Acts 3:1-26 | Walking and jumping and praising God

Acts 2:42-47 | Portrait of the Church, part 2

Belgic Confession Articles 8-9 | The Trinity

The Sufficiency of Scripture

Acts 2:40-47 | Portrait of the Church, part 1

The Written Word of God

Going Forward as a Commission-Driven Reformed Church


Why So Unpleasant?

God Reveals Himself


The Time In-Between

We All Believe with the Heart and Confess with the Mouth

Joy, Amazement, and the Future

Jesus Is Alive

Guilt and Shame

Rogue Kings, True King

The Athanasian Creed

How Do You Relate to the Cross?

Two Apocalyptic Events

The Sadducees Take Their Shot

The Magnificent Apostles’ Creed

They Cannot Kill Him

Christ’s Sufferings & Our Sufferings

Like Israel and Not Like Israel

When Will Jesus Return?

Why The Incarnation Matters

While I Am Gone, Do What I Say

Stop Justifying Your Greed and Open Your Wallet

Surprising Grace in the Macedonian Churches

White-Hot, Cutting-Edge, Spirit-Filled Worship

Is God in Control, or Not?

What Do You Want Jesus to Do for You?

Will Jesus Find Faith on the Earth?

Increase Our Faith

True God and True and Righteous Man

The Unjust Manager

The Claims of God’s Justice Must Be Satisfied

The Prodigal Son

The Three Sons of God: Adam, Israel, Jesus

The Humble Coming of the Lord of Glory

Jesus Came in Fulfillment of the Old Testament

To All Who Believe – In What?

None Who Is Righteous, Except One

What the Law Says

God Gave Them over

Righteousness Revealed, Wrath Revealed

The Gospel For Everyone Who Believes

Paul’s Gospel, Your Gospel

Introducing Romans


Go away from me Lord, I am a sinful man.


Free curriculum designed for your growth in Christian thinking and living.

What Is the Reformed Faith?

An introduction to the Christian worldview and the basic teachings of the Bible. Learn the basic differences among the main groups in the broad Christian tradition, and that “the Reformed faith” is just a nickname for the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Now available in iTunes.

Heidelberg Catechism Curriculum for Families

An exposition of a most treasured summary of the Bible’s basic teachings. Learn how you can be clear about the glory of Christ in His triumph over our sinful misery, so that you can pass it down to the next generation.

Now available in iTunes.

What We Believe

So that everyone visiting this website and our churches knows exactly what we believe and teach, we state our faith right alongside historic and Reformed Christian churches.

The Ecumenical Creeds

Ancient summaries of basic Bible teachings written in part to defend God’s people against heresies sadly still alive today.

The Three Forms of Unity

500-year-old summaries of basic Bible teachings written in part to defend God’s people from deep-seated theological and moral corruption in all kinds of false churches and movements.

Recent Sermons

Biblical sermons by local URC ministers

Scriptural Sermons

Rev. Tom Morrison
Jeremiah 4:5-6:30 | Judged In Our Place

Rev. Movses Janbazian
Malachi 4 | Sun of Righteousness

Catechetical Sermons

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You can also find content... book of the Bible confession / creed

Looking for a Church? Visit these United Reformed Churches or find more churches »

Pasadena, CA
Pasadena United Reformed Church
Pastor Movses Janbazian

Victorville/Apple Valley, CA
High Desert United Reformed Church
Pastor Tom Morrison

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