Rev. Movses Janbazian

601–800 of 1,102 items

1 Cor 13:1-7 | Empty Works Lacking Love

1 Cor. 12:27-31 | Spiritual Gifts Bring The Gospel To Sinners

1 Cor. 12:12-26 | A Spiritual, Spirit Filled Church-Body

Belgic Art. 36 | The Christian Church In The World

1 Cor. 12:4-11 | Our Lord Building His Church

Belgic Art. 36 | The Magistrate

1 Cor. 12:1-3 | The Spirit Teaches Jesus Is Lord

Belgic Confession Art. 35 | Proper Reception By Fit Subjects

1Cor 11:27-34 | Worthy Reception Of The Lord’s Supper

Belgic Confession Art. 35 | Jesus’ Presence In The Supper

1Cor 11:17-26 | Covenant Ratification, Renewal, And Continuance

Belgic Confession Art. 34 | Infant Baptism

1Cor 11:2-16 | Order And Honor, Disorder And Shame

Belgic Confession Art. 34 | Christian Baptism Pt. 3

1Cor 10:23-33 | The Privilege Of Liberty

Belgic Confession Art. 34 | Christian Baptism Pt. 2

1Cor 10:14-22 | You Participate In The Body And Blood Of Jesus Christ

Belgic Confession Art. 34 | Christian Baptism

1 Cor. 10:1-13 | God, Our Help And Refuge In Temptation

Belgic Confession Art. 33 | The Sacraments

1 Cor. 10:1-13 | Baptized Into Moses?

Belgic Confession Art. 32 | Church Order And Discipline

1 Cor. 10:1-13 | The Rock Was Christ

Belgic Confession Art. 31 | Calling Fit Officers

1 Cor. 9:1-27 | Costly Servanthood

Belgic Confession Art. 30 | Government Of The Church

1 Cor. 8:1-13 | The Loving Exercise Of Knowledge

Belgic Confession Art. 29 | Marks Of The False Church

1 Co. 7:25-40 | Do Not Be Anxious

Belgic Confession Art. 29 | Marks Of The True Christian

1 Cor. 7:8-24 | Trusting Peacemakers Of Christ

Belgic Confession Art. 29 | The Marks Of The True Church

1 Cor. 7:1-7 | Christian Sexuality And Marriage

Belgic Confession Art. 28 | Membership In Christ’s Church

1 Cor. 6:12-20 | I Belong To Jesus Christ

Lord’s Day 17 | The Resurrection Of Christ

Matt. 28 | Greeting The Man You Murdered

Belgic Confession Art. 27 | One Holy, Catholic And Apostolic Church

John 12:9-15 | Rejecting The King

Belgic Confession Art. 26 | Christ’s Intercession

1 Cor 6:1-11 | Judging, Suffering, Loving, Forgiving

Belgic Confession Art. 25 | Continuity And Discontinuity

1 Cor. 5:9-13 | Pilgrims Interacting With The World

Belgic Confession Art. 24 | Good Works

1 Cor 5:6-8 | Jesus Our Passover

Belgic Confession Art. 24 | Sanctification

1 Cor 5:1-5 | Discipline In Christ’s Church

Belgic Confession Art. 23 | Justified By Grace Alone

1 Cor 4:14-21| Godly Rebuke To Arrogant Christians

Belgic Confession Art. 22 | Saving Grace

Belgic Confession Art. 21 | The High Priestly Office Of Jesus And Santification

1Cor 4:1-7 | Faithful Stewards

Belgic Confession Art. 20 | God’s Just Mercy In Christ

1Cor. 3:16-19 | Loving And Proclaiming The Gospel

Belgic Confession Art. 19 | The Hypostatic Union Of Two Natures

1Cor 3:18-23 | Deceiving Yourself Out of Blessings

Belgic Confession Art. 18 | The Incarnation

1 Cor. 3: 10-17 | Building God’s Template

Belgic Confession Art. 17 | God Seeking And Saving

1Cor 3:1-9 | Immature Christians

Belgic Confession Article 16 | Election And Reprobation

Belgic Confession Article 15 | Original Sin

1 Cor. 2:6-16 | The Wisdom Of God Displayed In The Cross

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 22 | Resurrection And Life Eternal

The Shepherd And His Sheep

Freeing Us From The Curse


Belgic Confession Article 14 | Free Will

The Word Became Flesh

Belgic Confession Article 14 | Sinful Man

1 Cor. 2:1-5 | Lowly Preachers Of A Despised Gospel

Belgic Confession Art. 14 | Image Of God In Man

1 Cor. 1:26-31 | Boast In Christ

Belgic Confession Art. 13 | Providence

1 Cor. 1:18-25 | Preaching Foolishness

Belgic Confession Art. 12 | Of Creation, Seen And Unseen

1 Cor. 1:10-17 | One Confession Expressing Unity

Belgic Confession Art. 11 | The Eternal Personhood And Diety Of the Holy Spirit

1 Cor. 1:4-9 | The Enriching Fellowship Of Jesus

Belgic Confession Art. 10 | The Eternal Sonship Of Jesus

1 Cor. 1:1-3 | The Called Church

Belgic Confession Art. 8-9 | The Trinity

1 Cor. 1:1-3 | Paul, Herald Of God

Belgic Confession Art. 7 | The Perfection Of Scripture

Eph 6:18-24 | Gospel, Grace and Peace

Belgic Confession Art. 5,6 | The Authority Of The Scriptures

Eph. 6:14-17 | The Armor Of God

Heidelberg LD 21 | The Forgiveness Of Sins

Eph. 6:10-13 | Be Strong In The Lord

Belgic Confession Art. 3,4 | What Is The Holy Spirit

Belgic Confession Art. 2 | Revelation, General And Special

Eph. 6:1-4 | Parents And Children

Belgic Confession Article 1 | The Overflowing Fountain Of All Good

Eph 5:22-33 | Jesus And His Bride

Belgic Confession Article 1 | One True God

Singing In Worship

Belgic Confession Article 1 | With Heart And Mouth

Eph 5:15-21 | Wisdom Manifested In Gratitude

The Church; Joyful, Distinguished Saints

Registered In The Book Of Life

Canons of Dort 3/4 Article 17: The Wisdom Of Preaching

Eph. 5:3-14 | Pleasing The Lord With Thanksgiving

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 52 | Yours Is The Glory

Eph. 4:25-5:2 | The Spiritual Christian

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 52 | Deliver Us From Evil

Eph. 4:25-5:2 | The Fruit Of The Spirit

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 51 | Forgive, And Forgive Again

Eph. 4:17-24 | The Worthwhile Life Vs. Futile Life

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 50 | In God We Trust

Eph. 4:7-16 | Maturity In A Diverse Body

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 48 | Your Will Be Done

Eph. 4:1-6 | United Through Christ In Love And Peace

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 48 | Your Kingdom Come

Eph. 3:14-21 | Unsearchable Wisdom And Love

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 47 | May Your Name Be Holy

Eph. 3:1-13 | God Glorified In Gentiles Obtaining Israel’s Promise

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 46 | Our Heavenly Father

Eph 2:19-22 | You Are The Holy Temple Of God

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 45 | Godly Prayer

Eph 2:11-18 | Peace To The Far Off And Near

Lord’s Day 45 | Sovereignty And Power

Eph 2:8-10 | Grace Alone, Unto Good Works

Lord’s Day 44 | Striving Toward The Goal

Eph 2:1-7 | What Kind Of God Saves This Kind Of Man?

Lord’s Day 44 | Contented Thanksgiving

Eph 1:15-23 | Belonging To The Name Which Is Above Every Name

Lord’s Day 17, 22 | Resurrection And Life

He Has Overcome Death

Lord’s Day 16 | Christ’ s Death For Us

King Of A New People

Lord’s Day 15 | Christ’s Death

Eph. 1:15-23 | Saints Enlightened By Christ’s Spirit

Lord’s Day 6 | Why The God Man

Eph 1:11-14 | Jubilee Inheritance Sealed By The Spirit

Lord’s Day 43 | Truth, Forgiveness, And Peace

Eph. 1:7-10 | Our Kinsman Redeemer’s Blood

Lord’s Day 42 | Stealing or Service

Eph 1:3-6 | Praise God Who Has Chosen You

Lord’s Day 41 | Called To Purity

Eph. 1:3 | Blessed By The Spirit In The Heavens

Lord’s Day 40 | Love Your Enemies

Eph. 1:1,2 | The Lord Speaks Peace

Lord’s Day 39 | Honor Those In Authority

Christ’s Merit, Our Justification

Lord’s Day 38 | The Lord’s Day

The Radiant Woman Of Valor

Lord’s Day 36, 37 | Exalt The Name Of The Lord


The Wise Man’s Everlasting House

The Shepherd And His Sheep

The Light Has Dawned

Steadfast Love And Covenant Faithfulness

Lord’s Day 35 | Worship In Spirit And In Truth

The Spirit Filled Redeemer

Lord’s Day 34 | No Other Gods

Prov. 31:1-9 | Called To Honorable Service

Lord’s Day 34 | The Law And The Christian

Prov. 30:10-33 | Respecting The Divine Order

Lord’s Day 33 | Pleasing God

Lord’s Day 32 | Abundant Gratitude

Prov. 30:1-9 | United And Enlightened

Prov. 29:16-27 | Overcoming Wickedness

Lord’s Day 30 | Fencing The Table

Prov. 29:1-15 | A King Who Pleases

Lord’s Day 30 | Blasphemy Of The Mass

Prov. 28:12-28 | Pride Versus Humble Confession Of Sin

Lord’s Day 29 | The Real Presence

Prov. 28:1-11 | Ruling With Wisdom

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 28 | The Lord’s Supper

Deeds Of Wisdom

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 27 | Infant Baptism

Prov. 27:11-22 | Sharpened By A True Friend

Christian Marriage

Prov. 27:1-22 | Accepting Discipline

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 26 | Baptism

Prov. 25:28-26:28 | Living Among Fools

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 25 | The Sacraments

Prov. 25 | Royal Dignity

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 24 | Works And Righteousness

More Than Conquerors

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 23 | Justification

Prov. 24:13-24 | The King Blesses

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 22 | Resurrection And Life

Prov. 24:3-12 | Wisdom Grants Love And Valor

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 21 | The Forgiveness Of Sins

Prov. 23:12-24:2 | Do Not Envy The Sinner

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 21 | The Communion Of The Saints

Registered In The Book Of Life

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 21 | The Church

Prov. 22:17-23:11 | Contentment Vs. Oppressive Greed

The Gift Of The Spirit

Prov. 22:1-16 | Training To Use Your Talents

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 20 | The Holy Spirit

Prov. 20:29-21:31 | Love, Faith And The Kingdom

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 19 | Exalted and Coming Again

The Kingdom Of God

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 18 | The Ascension Of Christ

The Cost Of Discipleship

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 17 | The Resurrection Of Christ

Prov. 20:12-28 | Let Your Word Be True


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Pastor Movses Janbazian

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