Rev. Movses Janbazian

801–1,000 of 1,102 items

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 16 | Christ’s Death 2

Prov. 19:23-20:11 | Know Yourself

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 15 | Christ’s Death

Prov. 18:22-19:23 | No Security In The World’s Ways

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 14 | The Incarnation

Prov. 18:1-21 | Living As A Just And Loving People

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 13 | The Son, Our Redeemer

Prov. 17:7-28 | The Destructiveness Of The Fool’s Judgment

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 12 | A Christian In Christ

Prov. 16:31-17:6 | Lifetime Of Wisdom Rewarded

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 11 | Believing On His Name

Prov 16:16-30 | Blessed By Humility

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 10 | Providence

Prov 16:10-15 | Transformed For Spiritual Service

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 9 | God The Father

He Has Overcome Death

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 8 | The Trinity

Hosanna To The Son Of David

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 7 | True Faith

Prov. 15:30-16:15 | The Stupidity Of Arrogance

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 6 | The Gospel

Prov. 15:20-29 | Discipline Yields Wisdom, Wisdom Yields Life

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 6 | Why The God-Man

Prov. 14:33-15:19 | Abomination Of The False Professor

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 5 | A Substitute

Prov. 14:1-32 | Blessings To The Wise And Merciful

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 4 | God’s Justice

Prov. 13 | Life Giving Word Of The Faithful Messenger

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 3 (Pt. 2) | Free Will

Prov. 12 | Humbly Obtain Wisdom From God’s Law

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 3 | Sin

Prov 11:16-31 | Delighting In The Lord

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 3 | The Image Of God

Prov 11:1-15 | Righteousness Delivers

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 2 | Our Guilt

Prov. 10:17-31 | Destinies Revealed By The Tongue

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 1 | True Comfort

Proverbs 10:1-16 | Attitude Which Pleases God

Heidelberg Intro | Teach Your Children

The Law And The Gospel

The Kingdom Of God

A New Name

Delivered From Slavery

Luke 2:1-20 | Born For You A Savior

Matt 12:1-21 | The Hope Of The Nations

Nicene Creed | The Trinity

Proverbs 9:1-18 | Feeding Upon Wisdom

Westminster Confession Ch. 20 Para. 1-4 | Liberty Of Conscience

Proverbs 8:22-36 | The Wisdom Of God Gives Life

Belgic Confession Article 7 | Sola Scriptura

Proverbs 8:1-21 | Wisdom Pursues Righteousness

Proverbs 7 | Flee Babylon’s Seduction

Westminster Confession 33 | The Final Judgment

Proverbs 6:20-35 | The High Cost Of Foolishness

Westminster Confession Ch. 32 | State Of Men After Death And Resurrection

Prv. 6:1-19 | Rebuking Foolishness

Westminster Confession Ch. 31 | Of Synods And Councils

Proverbs 5 | Wisdom In Marriage

Westminster Confession Ch. 29 Para. 7,8 | Worthy Reception And Guarding The Table

Prov. 4:10-27 | Reward Of Listening To My Father’s Wisdom

Westminster Confession Ch. 29 Para. 3-6 | Body And Blood

Proverbs 3-13-35 | Blessed With Everlasting Life

Westminster Confession Ch. 29 Para. 1-2 | The Lord’s Supper

Proverbs 3:1-12 | Appreciating Wisdom’s Discipline

Westminster Confession Ch. 28 Para 5-7 | Efficacy Of Baptism

Proverbs 2:1-22 | Treasuring Wisdom

Proverbs 1:20-33 | The Consequence Of Ignoring Wisdom

Westminster Confession Ch. 28 Para. 1-3 | Baptism

Proverbs 1:8-19 | Avoid The Envy And Violence Of The Age

Westminster Confession Ch. 27 Para 4,5 | Two Sacraments For The Church

Proverbs 1:1-7 | The Wise Man’s Everlasting House

Westminster Confession Ch. 27 Para. 1-3 | Sacraments: Sign And Seal

The Gift Of The Spirit

Westminster Confession Ch. 26 | Communion Of The Saints

The Kingdom Of God

Westminster Confession Ch. 25 Para. 4-6 | Imperfect Churches

The Church: Joyful, Distinguished Saints

The Shepherd And His Sheep

Westminster Confession Ch. 25 Para 1,2 | The One Church

Mark 16:1-8 | Choose Now Whom You Will Serve

Westminster Confession Ch. 24 Para. 1-6 | Biblical Marriage And Divorce

Mark 15:33-47 | Cursed In the Darkness

Westminster Confession Ch. 23 Para. 4 | Living As Strangers

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 1 | Your Greatest Comfort

Mark 15:21-32 | Fools Mocking The Lord And His Anointed

Westminster Confession Ch. 23 Para. 3 | Proper Relationship Of Church And State

Mark 15:1-20 | Innocent, And Nobody Cares

Westminster Confession Ch. 23 Para. 2 | Just War

Mark 14:53-72 | Israel On Trial

Westminster Confession Ch. 23 Para. 1-3 | The Christian And The State

Mark 14:27-52 | Fulfilling The Scripture By Striking The Shepherd

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 17, 22 | Resurrection And Life

Greeting The Man You Murdered

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 16 | Jesus’ Death

Rejecting The King

Westminster Confession Ch. 22 Para. 5-7 | Vows

Mark 14:12-26 | The Covenant Sacrifice

Mark 14:1-11 | Treacherous Subjects of the Faithful King

Westminster Confession Ch. 21 Para. 7,8 | Sabbath And Lord’s Day

Mark 13:24-37 | Dominion, Glory, And A Kingdom

Westminster Confession Ch. 21 Para. 5,6 | Worship In Spirit And In Truth

Mark 13:14-23 | The Covenant Curse

Westminster Confession Ch. 21 Para. 3,4 | Prayer In Worship

Mark 13:1-13 | The Glory Has Departed The Temple

Westminster Confession Ch. 21 Para. 1,2 | God Honoring Worship

Mark 12:38-44 | Pompous Externals of False Religion

Westminster Confession Ch. 20 Para. 2-4 | Liberty Of Conscience

Mark 12:35-37 | The Lord Of David And His Kingdom

Westminster Confession Ch. 20 Para. 1 | Christian Liberty

Mark 12:28-34 | The Great Kingdom’s Great Commandment

Westminster Confession Ch. 19 Para. 5-7 | The Law And The Christian

Westminster Confession Ch. 19 Para. 3,4 | The Abrogation Of The Law

Mark 12:13-17 | Materialists Corrupting The Kingdom

Mk 12:13-17 | Living As A Pilgrim In A Foreign Kingdom

Westminster Confession Ch. 19 Para. 1,2 | Eternal Law, Covenant, And Conscience

Mk 12:1-12 | Real Vs. Stolen Authority

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 32 | Abundant Gratitude

Ruling Officers In A Gracious Church

We Are The Temple Of The Living God

God With Us

A Great Joy For All The People

Westminster Confession Ch. 18 Para. 1,2 | True And False Assurance

My Son, Your Redeemer

Westminster Confession Ch. 17 Para. 1-3 | Perseverance Of The Saints

Mk 11:12-25 | Two Cleansings

Westminster Confession Ch. 16 Para. 7 | No Good Works Without Faith

Mk 11:1-11 | Blessed Is The King Of The Peaceful Kingdom

Westminster Confession Ch. 16 Para. 4-6 | Our Best Still Needs Grace

Mk 10:46-52 | Serving The Lowly Who Unashamedly Call On Me

Westminster Confession Ch. 16 Para. 3 | Enabled To Do The Good

Mark 10:35-45 | The Ransom Paying Slave-King

Westminster Confession Ch. 16 Para. 1,2 | God’s Designated Good Works

Mark 10:32-34 | The Conquering Slaughtered Lamb

Westminster Confession Ch. 15 Para. 3-6 | Repentance Of Your Sins

Mark 10:17-31 | Love, Trust, And Boast In the Lord

Westminster Confession Ch. 15 Para. 1,2 | Repentance Unto Life

Mark 10:13-16 | Kingdom Of The Humble And Contrite

Westminster Confession Ch. 14 Para. 2-3 | Saving Faith And Life

Mark 10:1-12 | Getting Covenants All Wrong

Westminster Confession Ch. 14 Para. 1 | The Spirit Works Saving Faith

Mark 9:42-50 | Total Sacrifice For The Kingdom

Westminster Confession Ch. 13 | Sanctification

Mark 9:38-41 | So Just How Widespread Will This Kingdom Be?

Westminster Ch. 12 | Loved And Adopted

Mark 9:33-37 | Loving Power, Hating Love

Mark 9:14-32 | Saving A Faithless Generation

Westminster Confession Ch. 11. Para. 3 | Perfect Justice And Amazing Grace

Mark 9:1-13 | Listen, Understand, Shudder, Rejoice

Westminster Confession Ch. 11 Para. 1,2 | Not Counting Our Sins Against Us

Mark 8:34-38 | What Do You Have If You Don’t Have Me?

Mark 8:31-33 | Dying To Do God’s Will

Mark 8:11-30 | How Long Before You Know Who I Am

Westminster Confession Ch. 10 Para. 4 | External Vs. Internal Call

Westminster Confession Ch. 10 Para. 1-3 | Effectual Calling

Westminster Confession Ch. 9 Para. 1-5 | The Will Of Man

Westminster Confession Ch. 8 Para. 7,8 | Purchased With God’s Blood

Watchmen Warning, Rebels Resisting

Mark 8:1-10 | Shepherd Of All Peoples

Mark 7:24-37 | Lighting Up The Nations

Mark 7:1-23 | Worshipping In Vain

Westminster Confession Ch. 8 Para. 5,6 | Redemption Through The Blood

Westminster Confession Ch. 8 Para. 3,4 | The Suffering Work Of Christ

Westminster Confession Ch. 8 Para. 2 | The Real Humanity of Jesus

Westminster Confession Ch. 8 Para. 1 | The Prophet, Priest, and King

Mark 6:45-56 | Hardened And Foolish

Mark 6:33-44 | Feast And Vindication

Mark 6:6-32 | Foolish Kings of Kingdom of Fools

Mark 6:1-6 | The Unwise Despising Of The Prophet

Westminster Confession Ch. 7 Para. 3,4 | Covenant Of Grace

Westminster Confession Ch. 7 Para. 1,2 | Adam’s Probation

Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 45 | Godly Prayer

Westminster Confession Ch. 6 Para. 5,6 | Sin And Its Consequences

Westminster Confession Ch. 6 Para. 1-4 | The Fall Of Man And Sin

Westminster Confession Ch. 5 Para. 5-7 | Sovereign In Your Life

Westminster Confession Ch. 5 Para. 4 | Sovereign Even Over Sign

Westminster Confession Ch. 5 Para. 2,3 | The Rule Of God

Westminster Confession Ch. 5 Para. 1 | Awe And Comfort In Providence

Westminster Confession Ch. 4 | Creation

Westminster Confession Ch. 3 Para. 7-8 | Preaching Election Wisely And Enthusiastically

Westminister Confession Ch. 3 Para. 6 | Means Of Grace For Grace

Westminister Confession Ch. 3 Para. 3-5 | Predestination And The Decree

Westminister Confession Ch. 3 Para. 1-2 | God’s Eternal Decree

Westminster Confession Ch. 2 Para. 3 | The Trinity

Westminster Confession Ch. 2 Para. 2 | The Infinite And Sovereign God

Westminster Confession Ch. 2 Para. 1 | The Great And Only God

Westminster Confession Ch. 1 Para. 8-10 | Perfect And Complete Standard

Westminster Confession Ch. 1 Para. 6-7 | Wisdom And Life In God’s Word

Belgic Confession Article 32 | To Humbly Lead And To Humbly Obey

Mark 7:24-37 | Lighting Up The Nations

Mark 7:1-23 | Worshipping In Vain

Mark 4:35-41 | Beyond Imagination

Mark 4:21-34 | What The Blind Fool Fails To See

Registered In The Book Of Life

The Sign And Seal Of Being United With Christ

Greeting The Man You Murdered

Rejecting The King

Mark 4:1-20 | Sowing For Failure And Great Success

Mark 4:1-12 | Hear But Do Not Understand

Mark 3:20-35 | Knowing, Loving, And Doing The Will Of The King

Mark 3:7-19 | Those Who Were Once Not A People


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Jeremiah 4:5-6:30 | Judged In Our Place

Rev. Movses Janbazian
Malachi 4 | Sun of Righteousness

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Pasadena, CA
Pasadena United Reformed Church
Pastor Movses Janbazian

Victorville/Apple Valley, CA
High Desert United Reformed Church
Pastor Tom Morrison

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