Sermons (Catechetical)

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Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 34, Part 2

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 34 | Following the Law

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 33 | Conversion

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 32

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 31 | Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 30 | Fencing the Lord’s Table

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 29 | The Lord’s Supper, Part 2

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 28 | The Lord’s Supper

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 27 | Infant Baptism

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 26 | Baptism, Part 1

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 25 | The Sacraments

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 24 | Matthew 25:31-46

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day | Justification

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 22 | Resurrection and Life

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 21 | The Church

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 20 | Comfort of the Holy Spirit

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 19 | The Reign of Christ

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 18 | The Ascension of Christ

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 17 | The Resurrection of Christ

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 16 | Dead to Sin

Acts 6:1-6 | The Calling of Officers of the Church

Psalm 147 | The Outcasts Gathered To Jerusalem

Psalm 143 | The Eyes Are On You

Psalm 142 | Jesus’ Prayer From The Cave

Psalm 141 | Serving As A Priest In Exile

Psalm 140 | The Words Of Serpents

Psalm 139 | Expose, Forgive, And Correct My Foolishness

Psalm 138 | Words Of Justice Exalt God’s Name

Psalm 137 | Justice Comforts The Downtrodden

Psalm 132 | David’s Son Builds The House

Psalm 131 | Humble, Calm, and Patient

Psalm 130 | My Waits In Hope

Psalm 129 | The Oppressors Cursed

John 11:1-16 | My Friend Died For Your Sake

Psalm 122 | Peace For Those Who Love Jerusalem

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 16 | Dead to Sin

John 5:19-29 | The Son Rewards With Life

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 15

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 14

John 5:1-18 | Powerful Work Of The Sabbath

John 4:43-54 | Believing The Word Of The Lord

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 13

John 3:22-26 | Twilight Of Old Age, Dawn Of The New

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 11 | Exclusive Salvation

John 3:1-21 | God’s Justifying Love In The Son

John 2:23-3:21 | Born From Above

John 2:12-25 | Zeal For God’s House

John 2:1-12 | Water Of Law To Wine Of Gospel

John 1:35-51 | God Descends To Jacob / Israel

Covenantal Baptism

The Lamb Who Redeems A Kingdom

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 10 | Providence

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 9 | Creation

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 8 | The Trinity

Behold, The Lamb

Preparing The Way Of The Lord

Born Of God

We Have Seen His Glory

The Great Word From Eternity

How Can I Give You Up, My Son?

Forgiveness Expresses Thanksgiving

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 7 | True Faith and its Object

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Days 5&6 | Perfect Mediator

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 4 | Judgment/Salvation

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 3 | Original Sin and Total Depravity

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 2 | Talking about sin

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 1 | Comfort

Our Refuge In The Exalted God

Belgic Confession, article 37, part 2 | Resurrection, judgment, purging

Belgic Confession, article 37 | The Second Coming

Belgic Confession, article 36 | The Government

Belgic Confession, article 35, part 2 | Fencing the Lord’s Supper

Belgic Confession, article 35 | The Lord’s Supper

Belgic Confession Art. 37 | Resurrection And Everlasting Life

Belgic Confession Art. 37 | The Final Judgment

Belgic Confession Art. 37 | The Sudden Return Of The Day Of The Lord

Belgic Confession Art. 36 | The Christian And The State

Belgic Confession Art 35 | Invited Guests Dressed In Righteousness

Belgic Confession, Article 34, Part 2 | Infant Baptism

Belgic Confession, Article 34 | Baptism part 1

Belgic Confession Art. 35 | The Presence Of Jesus In The Supper

Belgic Confession Art. 34 | Covenantal Baptism

Belgic Confession Art. 34 | The Washing Of The Baptism

Belgic Confession, Article 33 | The Sacraments

Belgic Confession, Article 32 | Power of the Church

Belgic Confession Art. 34 | What Is A Sacrament?

Belgic Confesion Art. 33 | Church Order And Loving Discipline

Belgic Confession Art. 31 | Calling Fit Officers

Belgic Confession Art. 30 | For The Governing Of The Church

Belgic Confession Art. 29 | Marks Of The False Church

Belgic Confession Art. 29 | Marks Of The True Christian

Belgic Confession Art. 29 | Three Marks Of The True Church

Belgic Confession Art. 28 | Members In Jesus

Belgic Confession Art. 26 | Jesus, The Only Intercessor We Need

Belgic Confession Art. 25 | Holiness Without Moses

Belgic Confession Art. 24 | Sanctification Of The New Man

Belgic Confession Art. 23 | Justification By Grace Alone

Belgic Confession, article 30 | Government of the church

Belgic Confession, Article 29 | Marks of the Church

Belgic Confession Art. 22 | Justification By Faith Alone

Belgic Confession Art. 21 | Jesus’ Priestly Sacrifice

Belgic Confession Art. 20 | The Justice And Mercy Of God In Jesus

Belgic Confession Art. 19 | Two Natures In One Person

Belgic Confession Art. 18 | The Incarnation Of The Son

Belgic Confession Art. 17 | For God So Loved

Belgic Confession Art. 16 | The Doxology Of Election

Belgic Confession Art. 15 | Original Sin And Federal Headship

Belgic Confession 14 | Man Created In The Image Of God

Belgic Confession 12 | We Trust And Praise Our Creator

Belgic Confession, article 22 | Justifying Faith

Belgic Confession, article 21 | The Satisfaction of Christ for Our Sins

Belgic Confession, article 20 | The Justice and Mercy of God in Christ

Belgic Confession, article 18 | Incarnation

Belgic Confession Article 11 | God’s Holy Spirit

Belgic Confession Article 10 | Jesus Is God

Belgic Confession Article 9 | Our Hope Found In The Trinity

Belgic Confession Art. 8 | The Practical And Comforting Doctrine Of The Trinity

Belgic Confession, Article 17 | Who Seeks Whom?

Belgic Confession, Article 16, Predestination

Belgic Confession, Article 15 | Original Sin

Belgic Confession Art. 7 | The Sufficiency Of The Bible

Belgic Confession Art. 5,6 | The Authority Of God’s Word

Belgic Confession Art. 3,4 | The Holy Word

Belgic Confession Art. 2 | General And Special Revelation

Belgic Confession Art 1. pt. 2 | The Overflowing Fountain Of All Good

Belgic Confession Art. 1 | One True God

Belgic Confession, article 14 | Creation, fall and corruption of man

Belgic Confession, article 13 | Providence

Belgic Confession, article 12, part 2 | Angels and Demons

Belgic Confession of Faith | Creation

Belgic Confession of Faith, article 11 | Person and Deity of the Holy Spirit

Belgic Confession, article 9 | The Trinity, part 2

Belgic Confession Article 1 | With Heart And Mouth

Belgic Confession, article 8 | The Trinity

Belgic Confession Confession, article 7 | The sufficiency of Scripture

Belgic Confession, article 3 | “About Holy Scripture”

Belgic Confession, article 2 | “Of the Knowledge of God”

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | God’s Goodness

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | Justice

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | The Communicable Attributes of God

Belgic Confession | Article 1: The Incommunicable Attributes of God

Belgic Confession, article 1 | The nature of God

Canons of Dort, Head 5, articles 12-15 | Assurance as Incentive

Canons of Dort, Head 5, articles 9-11 | Assurance of Faith

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 52 | Kingdom And Glory Forever

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 52 | Delivery Us From Evil

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 51 | Forgiven and Forgiving

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 50 | Bread From God

Canons of Dort, 3&4, article 17 | Use of means – preaching

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, articles 14, 15 | Faith As a Gift

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, articles 11-13 | Regeneration

Heidelberg Catechism 35 | Singing Of All His Works

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 49 | Your Will Be Done

Canons of Dort, articles 8-10 | Calling of the Gospel and Two Responses

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, article 7 | How God Works

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, articles 4-6 | Nature and Law Can’t Save You

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 48 | Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like…

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 17, 22 | I Am The Resurrection

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 48 | Two Kings Enter Jerusalem

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, articles 1-3 | Total Depravity

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 48 | Where And What Is The Kingdom Of God?

Sign And Seal Of Being United To Christ

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 47 | May Your Name Be Holy

Canons of Dort, Head 2, article 8,9 | Limited Atonement

Canons of Dort, Head 2, articles1-4 | Satisfaction and substitution of Christ

Canons of Dort, Head 2, articles 5-7 | Universal proclamation of the Gospel

Canons of Dort, Head 1, articles 17,18 | Infant Death

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 46 | Our Heavenly Father

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 45 | Gratitude Expressed In Prayer

Canons of Dort, Head 1, articles 15, 16 | Reprobation

Canons of Dort, Head 1, articles 12-14 | Assurance of Election

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 44 | Small But Real Beginnings

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 44 | Content With Righteousness

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 43 | Speak Truth In Love

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 41 | In Honor Before All

Canons of Dort, Head 1, articles 8-11 | Election 2

Canons of Dort, Head 1, articles 6,7 | God’s Decree of Election

Canons of Dort | Introduction

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 40 | Bless, For To This You were Called

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 52 | Spiritual Battle

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 51 | Forgiveness

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 39 | Godly Order

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 38 | Festive Rest

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 50 | Bread

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 49 | On earth as heaven

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 48 | Thy Kingdom Come

Mark 11:27-33 | God’s Authority

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 47 | Hallowed Be Thy Name

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 45 | Prayer

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 36,37 | Jealous For My Name

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 35 | The True God Rightly Worshipped

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 34 | Faith In The Only True God

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 34 | Loving God, Gracious Redeemer

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 46

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 44 | Bad Desires

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 43 |Liar

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 34 | The Law And The Christian Life

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 33 | The New Man’s Joy

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 42 | Stealing

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 32 | A Life Of Thanksgiving


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Rev. Movses Janbazian
Acts 13:13-43 | Gracious God to Unworthy Men

Rev. Movses Janbazian
Malachi 2:10-17 | Faithless People

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Psalm 32 | Sorrow vs. Happiness

Rev. Movses Janbazian
Malachi 2:1-9 | Faithless Priesthood

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Rev. Tom Morrison
Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 32

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