Topic: Podcasts

1–200 of 468 items

Philippians 3:17-4:9 | How to Live


2 Kings 8:1-6 | Heavenly Land

Revelation 14:1-15:4 | Two Paths

Psalm 132 | David’s Son Builds The House

John 13:31-38 | Now Is The Son Glorified

John 13:1-20 | Washed By My Master

John 12:36-50 | Believe In Me And He Who Sent Me

Psalm 76 | Lord Of Salem (Peace) To Be Feared

Belgic Confession Confession, article 7 | The sufficiency of Scripture

Belgic Confession | Article 1: The Incommunicable Attributes of God

Psalm 22 | The Forsaken One Exalted

1 Samuel 3 | Word

Mark 12:1-12 | Judgment and Salvation

Mark 8:1-30 | Deja Vu

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 30 | Admitting People to the Lord’s Supper

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 16 | Dead to sin

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 8 | The Trinity

This Age And The Age To Come

New Catechetical Series | On the Trinity

New Catechetical Series | A Theology of God

Acts 18:18-19:7 | The Focus is Christ

Belgic Confession, Article 35 | The Lord’s Supper

Acts 8:26-40 | God’s Interests

Belgic Confession, Article 27 | The Universal Church

Belgic Confession, Article 20 | The Justice and Mercy of God in Christ

Belgic Confession, Article 14 | Creation, Fall, Corruption

Belgic Confession, Article 7 | The Sufficiency of Scripture

Belgic Confession, Article 3 | About Holy Scripture

Judges 17 & 18 | The Need for a King

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | The Communicable Attributes of God

Judges 14, 15 | The use of wickedness

Canons of Dort, Heads of Doctrine 3 & 4, articles 8-10 | Calling of the Gospel

Canons of Dort, Heads of Doctrine 3 & 4, Articles 4-6 | Nature and Law can’t save you

Judges 1:1-2:5 | Sin and Grace

2 Peter 3:8-10 | What to do when delayed

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 46

1 Peter 3:13-17 | Suffering righteously

Belgic Confession Art. 17 | God Seeking And Saving

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 30 | Fencing the Table

Lord’s Day 43 | Truth, Forgiveness, And Peace

Belgic Confession, Article 28 | The Communion of Saints

Lord’s Day 33 | Pleasing God

Belgic Confession, article 25 | How the Old Testament Law applies today

Romans 12:9-21 | Weep with those who weep

Leviticus 17 | Sacrifice

Belgic Confession, article 18 | Incarnation

Belgic Confession, article 17 | Restoration

Heidelberg Lord’s Day 21 | The Forgiveness Of Sins

Galatians 3:1-29 | Introduction to the Pentateuch

Deut. 6:4-9; Proverbs 1:1-7; Eph. 6:1-4

Proverbs 1:1-7 | The Wise Man’s Everlasting House

Matthew 28:16-20 | Made Disciples

1 Corinthians 11:17-34 | The Lord’s Supper

Mark 2:1-12 | Do Not Forget All His Benefits

Westminster Confession Ch. 1 Para. 1 | The Value Of God’s Word

Mark 1:1 | The Glad Tidings Of The Son

Mark 5:21-43 | Hope For The Hopeless

Matthew 1:16-24 | An Unusual, Miraculous Conception and Birth

Matthew 17:1-13 | Strengthening Faith

Psalm 39–While on the First Path

Psalm 37–Two Paths

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 21 | The Church

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 20 | Comfort of the Holy Spirit

Matthew 12:1-14 | Legalism

Psalm 28 | Our Shepherd Forever

Matthew 9:1-8 | Healing

Romans 5:20-6:14 | From Death to Life

Matthew 6:1-18 | True vs. False Religion

Belgic Confession, Article 28 | The Communion of Saints

The Ten Commandments | part 13: second commandment & the regulative principle

The Ten Commandments | part 12: second commandment & the regulative principle

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 | Satanic Deception

The Ten Commandments | part 10: second commandment

The Ten Commandments | part 9: first commandment

The Ten Commandments | part 8: the two tables

The Ten Commandments | part 7: the third use

Belgic Confession, Article 12 | Creation and Angels, part 2

The Ten Commandments | part 6: the second use

The Ten Commandments | part 4: the first use of the law

What does it mean to be a Protestant? | part 5: To God be the glory

What does it mean to be a Protestant? | part 4: Faith alone

What does it mean to be a Protestant? | part 3: Grace alone

What does it mean to be a Protestant? | part 2: Christ alone

What does it mean to be a Protestant? | part 1: Scripture alone

Acts 7:57 – 8:8 | Great Persecution Breaks Out

Belgic Confession, Articles 4-6 | The canon and authority of Scripture

Hebrews 8:1-13 | Unbreakable

Belgic Confession, Article 2 | Of the knowledge of God

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | God’s goodness

Hebrews 7:11-28 | The perfect permanent high priest

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | God’s justice

Hebrews 7:1-10 | Your eternal high priest

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | God’s wisdom

Hebrews 6:13-20 | Hold fast

Hebrews 5:11-6:12 | True and false Christians

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | God’s knowledge

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | God’s immutability

Hebrews 4:14-5:10 | Perfect empathy

Genesis 1:1-13 | Creator and Redeemer

Genesis 1:1 | Maker of Heaven and Earth

Acts 6 and 7 | Suffering and glory

Hebrews 4:1-14 | Strive to enter God’s rest

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | God’s eternity

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | God’s independence

Hebrews 3:7-19 | Listen to this

Belgic Confession, Article 1 | An introduction to the Belgic Confession

Hebrews 3:1-6 | Jesus’ faithfulness

Canons of Dort, Head 5, Articles 12-15 | Assurance as incentive

Hebrews 2:10-18 | Jesus was born to die

Canons of Dort, Head 5, Articles 9-11 | Assurance of faith

Hebrews 2:5-9 | Suffering now, glory later

Canons of Dort, Head 5, Articles 7 & 8 | God preserves

Hebrews 2:1-4 | Not adrift

Canons of Dort, Head 5, Articles 4-6 | Falling into serious sin

Hebrews 1:5-14 | Christ rules

Belgic Confession Article 13 | How to Have Unspeakable Consolation

Acts 5:14-42 | They Kept Right On Preaching Christ

Hebrews 1:1-4 | The God who speaks

Canons of Dort, Head 5, Articles 1-3 | Christians are sinners too

Exodus 40 | The Tabernacle: a symbol of hope

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, Article 17 | Should you read your Bible?

Bad Reasons Why You Are Not a Calvinist | part 7: more on their philosophical analysis

Genesis 1:1-2 | Belgic Confession Article 12 | The Creation

Acts 4:32 – 5:14 | Great Fear Seized the Church

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, Article 16 | The will and intellect of non-Christians

Exodus 34 | No more threats

Exodus 33 | The seriousness of sin and the effectiveness of the Mediator

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, Articles 14 & 15 | Faith is a gift!

Exodus 32 | The Golden Calf

Canons of Dort, Heads of Doctrine 3 & 4, Articles 11-13 | Regeneration

Bad reasons why you are not a Calvinist | part 6: Their philosophical analysis

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, Articles 8-10 | The earnest call of the Gospel

Exodus 26:1-37 | God dwells with man

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, Article 7 | The change in the revelation of the Gospel

Exodus 24 | The sealing of the covenants

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, Articles 4-6 | Nature and Law can’t save you

Exodus 20:22-23:33 | Why do we need the Law?

Canons of Dort, Heads 3 & 4, Articles 1-3 | Total depravity

Exodus 20:1-17 | The Ten Commandments

Bad reasons why you are not a Calvinist | part 5: how they read Ephesians 1 & 2

Bad reasons why you are not a Calvinist | part 4: How they read John 6

Exodus 19:1-20:21 | Ignorance and the need for a mediator

Canons of Dort, Head 2, Articles 8 and 9 | Limited atonement

Exodus 17:8-18:27 | The will of God in common and special revelation

Canons of Dort, Head 2, Articles 5-7 | The universal proclamation of the Gospel

Canons of Dort, Head 2, Articles 1-4 | God’s justice satisfied

Exodus 15:22-17:7 | Gracious provisions

Bad reasons why you are not a Calvinist | part 3: How they read Romans 9

Exodus 15:1-21 | Are you grateful?

Canons of Dort, Head 1, Articles 17 & 18 | How to think about your infant dying

Canons of Dort, Head 1, Articles 15 & 16 | Reprobation

Exodus 13:17-14:31 | Redemption through judgment

The Canons of Dort, Head 1, Articles 12-14 | The assurance of election

Exodus 12:1-13:16 | Remembrance and hope

Bad reasons why you are not a Calvinist | part 2: Predestination and election

Canons of Dort, Head 1, Articles 8-11 | Election and foreknowledge

Exodus 7:8-11:10 | The final defeat of Satan

Canons of Dort, Head 1, Articles 6 & 7 | Election

Exodus 6:2-7:7 | Yahweh fulfills His promises

Introduction to the Canons of Dort

Exodus 5:1-6:1 | What to do in times of affliction

Acts 4:1-31 | Courage, confidence, boldness

Bad reasons why you are not a Calvinist | part 1

Introduction to the Reformed Faith (part 13): The Purpose and Obligations of the Church

Exodus 4:18-31 | God’s anger appeased

Introduction to the Reformed Faith (part 12): Reformed Worship

Exodus 3:1-4:17 | The comfort of God’s name

Romans 13:11-14 | The day is at hand

Belgic Confession, Article 10 | Jesus, true and eternal God

Acts 3:1-26 | Walking and jumping and praising God

Romans 13:8-10 | Love your neighbor as yourself

Exodus 2 | God sees and knows

Belgic Confession, Article 7 | No creed but the Bible?

Romans 13:1-7 | Render what is due

Introduction to the Reformed Faith (part 11): Church Discipline: Process

Exodus 1:1-22 | Relying on the promises of God

John 20:1-18 | A heavenly perspective on the resurrection

Introduction to the Reformed Faith (part 10): Church Government

Matthew 28:1-10 | He has overcome death

Matthew 21:28-46 | King of a new people

Introduction to the Reformed Faith (part 9): Church Discipline: Church Membership

Psalm 23 | The Lord is our Shepherd

Romans 12:9-21 | Love With Godly Wisdom

Acts 2:42-47 | Portrait of the Church, part 2

Belgic Confession Articles 8-9 | The Trinity

An Introduction to the Reformed Faith (part 8): The Sacraments: the Lord’s Supper

Psalm 46 | God is a Refuge

An Introduction to the Reformed Faith (part 7): The Sacraments: Baptism

Psalm 135 | Why you should praise the LORD

Romans 12:3-8 | Humble and joyful service

Romans 12:1-2 | Living sacrifice

Psalm 19 | Making sense of God

An Introduction to the Reformed Faith (part 6): Preaching

Romans 11:25-36 | In this way all Israel will be saved

Psalm 29 | The power and glory of God

An Introduction to the Reformed Faith (part 5): Predestination

An Introduction to the Reformed Faith (part 4): Justification

Psalm 65 | The weight of glory

Romans 11:11-24 | Life from the dead


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Acts 7:1-35 | A History of Failure

Rev. Movses Janbazian
Acts 6:8-15 | Angelic Hated By The Demonic

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